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Educational Quiz Website

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This project was created in second year for our project module. It is an interactive educational website called AnswerQuest in which students can answer questions set out by teachers who admin the questions on the site. The webapp allows teachers to change the questions in browser by either selecting from a preset list of questions which could be modified to match student curriculums or the teacher can input their own questions. This is done through a combination of XML, XSL and PHP.

AnswerQuest profile AnswerQuest profile AnswerQuest profile AnswerQuest profile AnswerQuest profile AnswerQuest profile AnswerQuest profile AnswerQuest profile AnswerQuest profile

-This project uses Apache Server, Jetty Server on Port 8444, Glassfish Server 4.0, eXist Database and MySQL Database on Port 3307.

-To edit the the quiz Questions and Answers, the Questions.xml from the WEB folder is required on eXist Database in a collection called 'AnswerQuest'. -The user login for the eXist Database is 'admin' and the password is 'password'.

-To interpret the PHP files in Glassfish, Quercus 4.0.39 is required. You can find the steps to install it here -->

-The application Database in MySQL is called 'answerquest'. -The application will create the Tables 'fgusers3' and 'teachers' the first time you run register.php but we have also provided an answerquest.sql with the queries provided.

-JAR files are also required to be placed in the library of the app. These JARs are located in a folder called 'JARS' and can be added through NetBeans by right-clicking on the app and clicking 'Properties' and heading to the 'Libraries' tab and choosing the 'Add JAR/Folder' button.